
Special Inspections

Special Inspections are inspections of selected materials, equipment, installation, fabrication, erection, or placement of components and connections; these inspections confirm compliance with approved construction documents and referenced standards required by NYC Building Code Chapter 19.


Progress Inspections

Progress inspections are performed during the progress of work to verify substantial compliance with the code and with approved construction documents; these are specified throughout the Construction Codes as progress inspections.


Concrete and Materials Testing

As a Concrete & Materials Testing Lab we ensure that our staff are fully trained and certified. In addition to the external trainings and certifications we participate in, we have several in-house employees with extensive experience that conduct regular trainings to ensure accuracy and conformance in our testing procedures.


Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)

Because NDT does not permanently alter the article being inspected, it is a highly valuable technique that can save both money and time in product evaluation, troubleshooting, and research. The six most frequently used NDT methods are eddy-current, magnetic-particle, liquid penetrant, radiographic, ultrasonic, and visual testing.

For a complete listing of special and progress inspections, please click here

To learn more about the special inspection process, please click here

Since 1993


The New York City Department of Buildings requires Special Inspections in NYC to be conducted for all construction projects as of the 2008 NYC Building Code. Special Inspections are conducted to ensure construction work is completed in accordance with all applicable building codes, and NYC Department of Building approved plans and specifications. Special Inspections must be conducted by an NYC DOB registered Special Inspection Agency – no other sign-offs will be valid after May 13, 2013. A TR-1 sign-off requiring Special Inspections cannot be processed without a Special Inspections Agency.



To request services and receive a proposal for your current project, please click the Request Service Now button or call us at 718.317.2928